Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Final Project Wrap Up...

When I started this project I was just the crazy cat lady who planned on doing a project for the crazy cat lovers of the world.  Why?  Because crazy cat people should have a voice in the social dialogue that goes beyond the idea of the crazy old lady on “The Simpsons” throwing cats at all of the kids.  Cat lovers are people who clean littler boxes and snuggle in front of the television late at night with a warm furry body and the lull of a soft purr. 

Some cat lovers are crazy but than again some cat haters are crazy.  One’s sanity does not determine why one loves cats.  Rather it is that unspoken connection that some people have with their cats.  Instead of seeing this little animal around the house as some annoying creature, the animal takes on a depth of personality.  Cats don’t stay as nameless blobs to a cat lover.  A cat lover takes the time to get to know who their cat is and what makes that cat special.

By understanding their animal and meeting the animal’s needs a magical thing happens to cat lovers: the cat gives back.  That cat comes to them when they are sad and sits on their head.  The cat snuggles up late at night or greets the human happily in the morning.  What was once a relationship between man and beast turns more into a relationship amongst friends. 

A cat lover stops long enough to see the world, as others don’t.  They understand that their place in the world is not all high and mighty to the point where they are better than this furry little allergy maker.  They have a spot in their home and life to share it with an animal. 

This bond is not only about cats.  When my little dog died after seven years and I realized the cat bond goes beyond cats.  When she went missing I announced it on Facebook and other social media.  My neighbors and friends dropped what they were doing to help me look or spread the word.  Many people interrupted their lives to help me find a seven-pound fluffy little dog.  When I announced that she had passed many of those friends stopped by my home, hugged me in stores, and one even brought by flowers.  My husband who had never owned an animal before cried as he buried her in the back yard.

The animal lovers understood that this was a loss.  The non-animal lovers probably thought I was crazy.   No one died after all, at least no one human.  Someone special did die and even though she didn’t wear clothing or speak English she was special and an integral part of my life.

The Kamikaze Project is an ode to these special animals.  It focuses on Henry, my cat that I adopted last year.  I picked him as a subject because he was almost killed in the shelter.  He was abandoned as a kitten in the shelter’s drop box and marked for death when I adopted him.  I picked him up as a gentle kitten and he was perfect.  A warm little body that purred and snuggled in my arms as if he was begging me to not let him go.  I didn’t plan on taking him home that day but I couldn’t leave him there.  Since adopting Henry I realized he was a very different individual animal.  He acted affectionate and psychotic in the same breath. 

I wanted to try and figure out what the world is like through his eyes.  This is not new for cat lovers.  ICanHazCheesburger is all about this.  It is worth over $30 million dollars.  It is popular because humans see pictures of cats and place captions about what the cat is thinking.  LOL Cat videos and several other forms of media do likewise things.  It is all about the cat lovers need to humanize their cats.
In this goal to humanize their cats we have created IPad games and cat music.  Some people dress up their cats while others will send them to cat spas.  This project answers the question in a multi-faceted way.  I choose to digitalize it in order to reflect different genres of communication that are increasingly found in this modern world.  I could have written a book but than only the professor would have probably seen it.  Through being on mediums such as YouTube and Blogspot the project can reach other people.  For me multigenre is in part meant to start a dialogue and to have a dialogue people have to see it.  Because this project has been online for a month over 100 people have viewed various parts.

In this sense the project comes full circle.  I started by trying to delve into the world and mind of one cat.  From that point the project went on to look at relationships between humans and cats in various ways.  Because of the different genres and mediums touched other people have been able to delve into this world that Henry started and I’ve learned and understood better how other people’s relationship with their cats is both varied and similar.  By this with one cat, a lense of society can be seen.

In loving memory of Mackenzie 12/06 to 11/21
She wasn't a cat but she was still Kewl!

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