Monday, July 27, 2015

Becoming a Lady

 A lady is always kind.  A lady is always refined and never curses.  A lady is always dressed for her best.  Standards, I’m always falling short of.  More time in the corner will be required.  The finishing teacher would tell me  “no elbows on the table and make sure you are always using the right fork.”  Cross your legs at the ankle and always say please and thank you.  The bruises are large but never to be talked of.  A proper lady understands that private matters are private and does not lower herself to gossip.  “Rachel please don’t do a cartwheel in a skirt” I say.  She smiles defiantly and continues her flips with Cinderella smiling from her anus.  A lady never should say butt.  But night comes and I must smile as he comes home.  I’m always falling short of his standards.  A lady should never question her husband.  A lady should never dream.  A lady must wear the diamonds he bought her with a cheerful heart remembering who she is and the boundaries she must keep.

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